Monday, April 28, 2008

Class of 2001

An Aberration dressed in white
The 12 point programme
The Class visit to Kanheri caves
Monkey trouble
Basic Design
Line dot Curve
Sameep Minal Preeti

Mansi's finshed masterpieces
Neha's unfinished symphonies
Nandini's leaf concept
Parmeshwar's Holier than Thou
Swapnil's enthusiasm
The antakshari on the study tour
Ninad and Ninad; Neha and Neha

An Equal Music
the fallen t-square
polished apple
Champu cut
Pandav Leni
the topi that flew off

"anushasan, pratishta, maryaada" at the architect's residence
the tears and the silence
Kullu dance
Kullu's OD and the nimbu cure
Full scale models
Kullu Ninad and their out-of-this- world space
Raseek and Country-pande
quiet Nirisha
not-at-all-quiet Chandu
the anger at being called "Chandu"
suckered by Wandy's SOS
AD with Sameer and Aalok
Doubt Ibrahims for an uninspired class
Sango, Obaid, Tanmay and Mahyar
Arjun, Kedar, Jaadya, Prachi
Porus and his chorus
delineating "minimum standards"
creating "Viva-worthy standards"
grateful students and thankful faculty
ungrateful management and thankless job
Obaid's rose
The geodesic that wouldn't curve
The suspended dome and the bacchas who helped
The convocation
Jal's oration
"Ode to a Family" and the laugh riot
the last Class party
the epiphany of the aberration in white

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